
At AB&T, it's a new day.
We consider this community as a wellspring of opportunity and serving you as a tremendous privilege.
We're out to reinvent ourselves. We're not here to try to be another bank of the nation, just the gold standard of community banking. We exist to serve you, our neighbors, by supporting activities and sound businesses that are good for the community.
What this community needs most is AB&T-a reliable, responsible, compassionate community bank that can serve in a refreshingly personal way.

We know there are several places you can get a checking account these days, and we're extremely grateful you've found yourself exploring the options with us. When you bank with us, you not only get great accounts and services created with you in mind, you find yourself in a banking relationship that's refreshingly personal. Explore the options and talk to us about how we can make your experience absolutely golden.

When you bank with AB&T, expect a new standard-the gold standard-in your banking relationship. It means bankers who share your vision, help you hand-select accounts and services that are right for you, and are watching for other opportunities to help out every step of the way. Explore our many options and let us know how we can personalize them to your needs with our convenient account management tools.